Lately, I've been spending a lot of time researching my family tree. I've been finding it so exciting! I sit with my grandmother some evenings and just ask a few questions about her childhood. She has so many fascinating stories to tell -- like the first time she ever swore! Her idea of a swear word was nothing like today's words, let me tell you.
In the photo below (my nan is on the left) she told me she was around 20 years old at the time, working as a house-cleaner for $6 a month. She saved two months wages to buy the suit she had on; it cost $10. In the photo is also her brother and his wife.
I haven't run out of questions to ask her yet, but if you struggle as to what to ask your relatives, there are many journal prompts to be found online. This one has a nice gift idea. Make a journal jar and send along with a notebook to your relatives.
Family History Journal Prompt JarI only wish I had realized earlier the importance of getting these stories down on paper. As scrapbookers, I'm sure we all want OUR stories to be told, but let's not forget the older generation that still have things to tell. I encourage you to seek out your grandparents and great-grandparents and transfer some of their stories to your layouts before it's too late.