Tuesday, April 21, 2009

50's Movies Unscramble

These are ALL top 100 movies of the FIFTIES!!!
Unscramble them and email me with the answers. You have until Ap. 30th. I'll put all the names in that get them all correct and choose a winner to receive a RAK from me! Have fun!!!

1. uvtealbaelo (3 words)
2. hleouwutbaertcseia is (4 words)
3. eicsdnmarteteasrardee (4 words)
4. hnhngoio (2 words)
5. rhubne (1 word hyphenated)
6. aretbnesusduolv (2 words)
7. heotktielmsio (4 words)
8. rrmtefotnihoteeyre (4 words)
9. eniadclerl (1 word)
10. oohtlel (1 word)
11. asairnb (1 word)
12. anihdkientg (4 words)
13. tohosbaw (2 words)
14. hdetarmlapadytn (4 words)
15. tnraasroisb (4 words)
16. iggi (1 word)
17. eoretitdehfafbhr (4 words)
18. oeyrlledl (2 words)
19. dmnomshtatectneenm (3 words)
20. ivrrkhriwgiteeabdthoene (6 words)


Unknown said...

These are HARD!! :-)

Jen said...

The link for your email won't work for me. Can you email me, or comment on my blog for your email? This was a lot of fun and all great movies.
tojenlilly at gmail dot com

Christina said...

Oooo...so much fun!!

StampinCathy said...

This was so much fun. I sent my email. Thanks for letting me play along.

Robin Gibson said...

OH, what a GREAT game! I will have to work on this! LOL!