Thursday, November 27, 2008

More about Katie....

How many hours a week do you scrapbook? Not enough…maybe one or 2 afternoons of naptime (maybe 4 hours)

How long does it take you to complete a layout? Depends on my mood. Sometimes an hour, sometimes longer

Where do you get your inspiration? I love Becky Higgins Sketches and Page Maps. I like to start with a sketch first and go from there.

Describe your scrap space. Do you like/dislike it? My space is always changing. I have a room in the basement and I’m always changing it to make it work best for me. I do like having the space to leave things in disarray…lol…

What are your favourite colours to scrapbook with? Pink and brown…or blue and brown. Either way ….I own a lot of papers and supplies in those colors!

Do you enjoy other crafts and/or hobbies? Besides stamping and Scrapbooking…I don’t make enough time for the other stuff. I would love to quilt a new quilt for my bed, and I do enjoy some cross stitching, Otherwise, I stick to my paper crafting.

What scrapbook magazines do you read? CK and PaperCrafts at the only 2 I subscribe to. Sometimes when I’m out and about I’ll pick up another one to look at and get ideas from.

How thick is your cardstock and paper stash? In feet or Inches…lol I am a patterned paper addict, and I have three tall wire racks full plus a few more baskets of other stuff. So maybe a lil thick!!

Are you an organized or messy scrapper? MESSY!!! I like to clean up to get inspired but at the end of the day it’s like tornado alley!!

Anything else you want to share? One thing I hear when I show my projects or talk about scrapping, is that other people are so overwhelmed by starting. I hope that people who want to jump in will just do it, and keep up with what they have now.

Thank you to the Sisters for letting me be this week’s SISTER!! I love it…and am so proud to be part of this group!! MWAH!!

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